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10 highest-paying tech jobs for new grads

The majority of Generation Z members are optimistic about their future, according to a Comparably report. Here are the jobs they want most.

The youngest working generation, Generation Z, is projected to account for 40% of consumers by 2020. Entering a working world with historically low unemployment, the majority (88%) of the 65 million Gen Z members said they are optimistic about their future careers, according to a recent Comparably report.

SEE: 10 websites that can help you find your next job (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

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As the most technically advanced generation yet, Gen Zers only spend eight seconds deciding whether something is worth their attention or not, the report found. When looking for jobs, most said persistence is one of the most sought after skills. Additionally, when asked what would cause them to want to leave their jobs most, respondents cited salary.

To help Gen Zers decide what jobs to apply for, the report compiled the top 10 highest-paying jobs for young professionals. The report surveyed some 2,848 Gen Zers across all education levels, gender, and ethnicities to determine the top-paying tech jobs

Here are the highest paying jobs:

1. Senior developer
– Function: Oversee projects including coding, web development, and app development. They also act as mentors to junior developers.
– Skills: Skilled in CSS, HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, JSON. Experience working with mobile-
optimized web content and applications.
– Salary: $109,957

2. Lead engineer
– Function: Manage and monitor engineer teams through a product’s execution.
team of engineers through product execution.
– Skills: Degree in management science or engineering. Experience participating in
cooperative engineering programs.
– Salary: $103,237

3. Mobile developer
– Function: Mainly on new applications for mobile devices. Popular job titles include Android
developer and iOS developer.
– Skills: Mobile user interface design, cross-platform app development, backend, computing, and modern language programming skills.
– Salary: $92,654

4. Data scientist
– Function: Parses through large volumes of data using statistical analytics tools to find business insights.
– Skills: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in IT, math, computer science, or related field. Experience
with metrics and analytics.
– Salary: $88,813

5. Product manager
– Function: Guides a product’s success, by using a cross-functional design team that outlines the development of the product.
– Skills: Bachelor’s degree in business or related field. Understanding code. Time management and interpersonal skills.
– Salary: $87,947

6. DevOps engineer
-Function: Oversees the development of software and helps automate systems. They also work alongside IT developers to improve coordination of deployment processes.
– Skills: Web language and SysAdmin fluency. Continuous integration tools. Automation tools. Scripting skills.
– Salary: $86,094

7. UI/UX designer
– Function: User Interface (UI) designers and User Experience (UX) designers ensure that a user’s experience on a web page represents the overall company vision. The UX Designer creates a designated path for the user, and the UI Designer keeps the web page visually clean.
– Skills: Familiarity with UI and UX principles and process. A knack for design. Familiarity with Sketch, Figma, Balsamiq, Adobe XD, Marvel App,Invision App. Wireframing.
– Salary: $71,691

8. Business development manager
– Function: This sales role focuses on the entire company instead of individual sales
territories. The position aims to increase the company’s revenue, identify new business trends, and facilitate sales and client-relationships.
– Skills: Degree in business, marketing, communications, or a related field. Business
intelligence. Project management, negotiation, and interpersonal skills. An
MBA is encouraged.
– Salary: $68,588

9. Marketing manager
– Function: Collaborates between sales, PR, product, financial, and advertising to create a
strategy to market a product or service.
– Skills: Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, advertising, or PR. Communications and interpersonal skills. MBA degree may also be preferred.
– Salary: $67,687

10. Business analyst
– Function:  This is an IT-related position that merges the needs of a business with IT resources. Also determines areas for improvement in processes and operations.
– Skills: Degree in business or related field. Some computer programming or data analysis experience. Master’s degree preferred.
– Salary: $67,364

For more, check out TechRepublic’s article about what Gen Z actually wants in the workplace.

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Source: TechRepublic