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Jinko joins Covid-19 fight

Chinese solar module manufacturer JinkoSolar has just announced it will donate a million units of masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to nations in the eye of the Covid-19 storm.

The Shanghai-based company this morning announced the first 50,000 units were shipped yesterday with the help of Chinese local authorities, the Red Cross and other charities.

The module giant said it would ship the PPE to Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, South Korea, the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Norway and the U.K. and would not refuse appeals for help from hospitals.

The move comes after the company donated RMB12 million ($1.69 million) to a fund set up by the Red Cross to help medical and health care workers in the front line of the battle against the coronavirus in the Chinese provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Shanghai.


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Source: pv magazine