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Self administered insolvency for Solibro

From pv magazine Germany.

German thin-film CIGS module manufacturer Solibro GmbH last month filed for self-administered insolvency, meaning the management board will retain some measure of control over the company.

Yesterday the District Court of Dessau-Roßlau ordered provisional self-administration and appointed lawyer Henning Schorisch, from Halle an der Saale, as interim administrator of the CIGS modules manufacturer.

The development was announced in the insolvency register. Schorisch has previously acted as insolvency administrator for Q-Cells and Vetro Solar.

Solibro last month decided halted mass production of PV modules in Thalheim, Germany “due to the difficult market situation and the abolition of punitive tariffs on imported photovoltaic modules”. In an interview with pv magazine, a Solibro spokeswoman described the step as “particularly bitter” as the company had been the only PV manufacturer in Germany’s Thalheim ‘Solar Valley’ to have been spared insolvency.

So far it is unclear what insolvency proceedings will mean for subsidiaries Solibro Hi-Tech GmbH and Solibro Research AB, in which Chinese thin film company Hanergy still has an interest after disposing of the parent company in December 2015.

Schorisch and the Hermann Wienberg Wilhelm insolvency administration company have yet to reply to pv magazine’s request for more information on the matter.

Source: pv magazine