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Ukraine’s Tech Skills Crucial for Winning the War

Since the beginning of the war on February 24, the courage of the Ukrainian people has been admired all over the world. Many international observers first encountered Ukraine and, in addition to its amazing resilience, Ukrainians are also learning to be highly innovative and have a high level of digital literacy.

This strength in the technical sector drives Ukraine’s response to Russia’s invasion of the empire. It allows the country to defy and often defeat one of the world’s leading military superpowers. The start-up culture, which owes much to Ukraine’s dynamic IT industry, offers rapid corrections to front-line challenges in ways that Russia’s more traditional top-down army simply cannot match. increase.

In the Global Skills Report 2022, Ukraine is ranked in the top 10 in the world in terms of technical skills. This reflects remarkable progress in the growth of the country’s IT sector and efforts to foster better digital literacy throughout Ukrainian society. Since 2019, Ukrainian authorities have prioritized digital skills and are trying to facilitate learning through the online platform Diia.Digital Education, which acts as an “education Netflix” with courses from professionals and celebrities.

This approach seems to work. The platform currently boasts an 80% completion rate among those enrolling in the course. Even the Russian invasion has not stopped Ukrainians from improving their IT skills. Approximately 60,000 Ukrainians have enrolled in the course since the beginning of the war, and the most popular subjects are training in new jobs in the technology sector, media literacy and cyber hygiene.

close up of a passport
Photo by Mr Borys on

Ukraine’s focus on digital innovation shaped the country long before Putin began a full-scale invasion on February 24. In 2021, Ukraine became the first country in the world to grant digital passports the same legal status as physical passports for domestic use. Ukraine is the fourth country in Europe to introduce a digital driver’s license and has also developed the world’s fastest online business registration service. Despite today’s wartime situation, efforts continue to promote digitization. This is recognized as important for war effort and is considered an integral part of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction.

Ukraine is training 5,000 internally displaced persons for a new career in the creative and technology industries. The demand for technology-related retraining opportunities is high, with approximately 36,000 applicants in the first phase of the initiative’s application process.

Digital services have been launched to help people in the fighting zone, and they can apply for financial assistance online. Similarly, with the Diia mobile app, anyone can provide financial support to the Ukrainian army with just a few clicks. Ukrainians can use the country’s digital platform to report news of Russian military operations on the ground and submit reports of digital property damage.

The team at the Ministry of Digital Transformation is currently working with thousands of volunteers to wage a digital war against Russia on the information and cyber fronts. The ministry has initiated the creation of Ukraine’s very own IT army, which brings together specialists from Ukraine and other countries around the world. More than 250,000 IT volunteers wage the world’s first cyber war.

Ukraine’s innovative use of technology is allowing the country to punch above its weight and defend itself against a much larger enemy, canceling out advantages of conventional strength and transform the battlefield. The future of the world will be shaped by technology and today’s Ukraine is leading the way.

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