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What Do Tornadoes Look Like on the Inside?

Tornadoes create very violent and dangerous conditions on the ground.

What do tornadoes look like on the inside?

It’s a good question, but scientists really don’t know the answer. There are no visual observations from inside of a tornado since these storms create extremely violent and hazardous ground conditions.

If we placed cameras in the path of a tornado, they would either be damaged by the powerful winds and swirling debris, or they would become caked with mud and water, rendering them unable produce any useful pictures. And of course, it’s simply not safe for humans to try to observe tornadoes at close range. It’s critical to always seek shelter when tornado conditions develop.

That said, we do have some ideas about the structure of the inside of tornadoes from instruments called mobile Doppler radars. Researchers can drive these sophisticated instruments to locations near a tornado, but stop at a safe distance.

Source: SciTechDaily